2 Faced


1 John 2:6; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 5:1; James 1:22-25; 1 Peter 1:13-15; 1 Peter 4


This song is about something ALL Christians are guilty of at some point- being two-faced. All to often, we call ourselves Christians, yet at the same we totally deny Christ with our actions and/or words. As Christians, God tells us to be imitators of Christ and to be examples to the world of Christ's love. Bottom line, if you call your self a follower of Christ, be that and grow in that to the best of your ability. It does take time and effort, but with God's help, he can give you the strength to overcome being 2 faced. And most of all, be accepting of constructive criticism. Discipleship will hurt, but will only make you stronger. Press on.