
An oldie, for us anyway.  This song was written in 1997 by Justin, before Justin and Zac were even in Exit-180.  It's always been a favorite among crowds for many years.  The song is about the way people can view Christians before they even hear us out.  A lot of times people who don't know Christ are immediately turned away at the very mention of anything about God- partly because they don't care or say they've heard it all before.  I don't blame them in a way, I was very much that way just a few years ago.  Sometimes people can just be pushy about their beliefs and that's where non-Christians, and where I was, turned off.  It seems that too many times Christians are all gung-ho about getting people to say a prayer, but when it comes to building a relationship and really caring about that person, many times we as Christians fall short.  I hope we in Exit-180 never come across as just wanting to push our beliefs on someone else. We would very much love you to come to know Christ, but we are never going to push it on you or think any less of you if you don't agree with us.