WELCOME TO EXiT-180 ONLiNE-----------------
WELCOME T EXiT-180 ONLiNE-------






If you want to get to know us, this is the page where you can do just that.         

The story of our band

It all started with three guys.  On a cold and rainy afternoon in 1997 in Michigan these three guys, Caleb, Dave, and Josh Allen formed a band.  It started rough just learning how to work together and write and play music.  They stuck together though musically and spiritually.  Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Justin and Zac were starting their own musical career with friends Caleb Gates and Ryan Jacobs in a band known as Rain.  Both bands learned a lot through this time, but as time went on the members in both bands were growing, some growing closer and some farther apart.  In Dave and Caleb's band, their bass player, Josh, felt God moving him toward other things than being in a band and Dave and Caleb were left without a bass player.  Meanwhile, Rain lost their lead guitar player, Caleb Gates, as he wanted to pursue other musical styles.  So, both bands left with gaps, what do you suppose happened next?  This all happened around the summer of 1998.  Both of our bands had been friends for a while and we realized we both had some gaps to fill.  Yet, neither of us even thought about coming together.  Then one night.  Dave and Caleb were leading praise & worship at a church and asked Zac to fill in on bass.  That night it hit us that we each had what the other band needed.  Soon after we decided to take the next step and pray for 1 month about a merge together.  After that month it was pretty clear that it was "meant to be" and Justin & Zac, with Dave & Caleb formed Exit-180.  We played our first show in Flint, MI only 2 weeks of playing together and God has been blessing us ever since.  In 1999 we played over 40 shows (that's almost once a week) which is great for a band starting off.  And in 2000, our 2nd year, up to July we've played over 20 shows.  God has blessed us with wonderful friends and fans who have supported us in every way, great transportation, equipment, and access to a fine studio, as well as let us meet awesome people who put on shows all around the state.  It won't stop there.  Much more is to come, Lord willing, as we grow musically and spiritually, to bring to this world a message of Truth that will never die.  We know that we are very called to this band to bring glory to God through the awesome tool God has given us called music.  The day that Exit-180 compromises it's standards and fails to lift Jesus up is the day the Exit-180 dies.       

  Click on a  band member to get their personal bio.